All C# Code Snippets are under the Visual C# Kicks license agreement
Delete Self Allows a standalone program to delete itself.
Shuffle Lists and Arrays An in-place algorithm to randomly shuffle a list or array in C#
Distance Calculation using Latitude and Longitude in C# ZIPCodeWorld provides this routine to calculate the distance between two points in C#.
Print Console Table Allows a Console App to create a basic table (with headers)
Distance Formula A simple implementation of the distance formula in C#
TinyUrl Updater Allows you to update a standalone app using TinyUrl.
Project a 2D Point on a Line Perpendicularly project a 2D point onto a 2D line.
Degree To Point and Back Convert an angle in degrees into an XY-coordinate point and back.
Temporary File Class Easily handle temporary file management in C#
Combination Function A simple function to calculate the number of possible combinations.
Taking Screenshots with C# Using API calls in C# to capture an image of the monitor screen.
Data to CSV Write a DataTable or a DataView to a CSV file.
Jiggle This little snippet jiggles(shakes) your windows form.
Sort Strings by Length Sort a collection of strings by their length, from shortest to longest.
Linq Objects Querying linq objects
Multilevel Hierarchy - Class Interface An example of a multilevel hierarchy using class interfaces
Periodic Table in string[][] Array Has every known element in a two dimensional array
Encryption Class Class to easily encrypt strings and other types of data.
Fraction Structure A C# struct to represent decimal numbers as fractions.
Generic String Parsing A generic function for converting a string into a type.
Extension methods for string hasing and encryption This collection deals with strings security, with these extensions you can properly use hashing and encryption.
RNGCryptoServiceProvider Random Integer Generate a random integer in a range using the RNGCryptoServiceProvider class.
Point in Triangle New The traditional method is to use barycenter coordinates. By using parameterized triangle line segments, an interpolated point may be found.
PHP Time Returns time represented in the same way as the PHP time() function.
Factorial Calculate the factorial value of a number in C#.NET
Convert MySQL CreateTable Statements to MS-SQL New Convert the create table definition from MySQL ready to use into Microsoft SQL Server 2008